Electrical Construction Technology
Electrical Construction Technology
2 years ago
Interested in a job that can literally take you anywhere?
Electricians and linemen are needed all over the world! The development of solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy means new jobs are constantly being created. The Electrical Construction Technology program instructs students in basic electrical theory, circuits, wiring, maintenance and installation of motors, blueprint reading, and telecommunications cabling technology. Students in the program also participate in the CIT Student-Built House Project.

Recommended Academic Levels
Reading: 9th grade
Math: Accurate linear measurement to 1/8", fractions, decimals, percentages
Recommended Academic Courses
On Level English or higher
Algebra 1
Recommended Aptitudes
Basic Math Skills
Able to multi-task
Work independently
Work as a team
Attentive to detail
Follow safety procedures
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