Dress Code Policy

7 years ago

Purpose/Objectives of Dress Policy

  1. To determine proper dress for students in specific program areas, as nearly aligned with business and industrial dress requirements as practicable.
  2. To eliminate clothing which can be a safety hazard in shop areas.
  3. To establish student dress which will aid in developing pride in one­self as well as in the school and to foster self-respect.


           The very nature of career & technical education indicates the need for a policy in relation to student dress. This is justifiable because of safety factors, as well as the desire to develop status in one’s chosen career. It is understood that the nature of the work in some programs is extremely dirty and in others hazardous; therefore, it is imperative that students have special clothes to change into when working. Student dress and cleanliness should be an integral part of the total educational program.
           A student going from the CIT to his/her aca­demic classes in soiled shop clothing does not indicate pride in himself/ herself or his/her career.
           CIT, being part of all sending high schools and working closely with industry, attracts many visitors.  Proper attire by all students will create pride in one’s school, as well as giving the visitors a favorable impression. Many of these visitors will be future employers of our students; and first impressions are lasting. 

Dress Regulations

A.      Safety Glasses
         All students in the designated areas shall be issued one pair of safety glasses when he/she enters the program as a new student in accordance with the provisions of Act 116 of the Pennsylvania Legislature. For sanitary reasons, each student shall be responsible for his/her glasses; and if a student needs additional glasses, he/she shall be required to purchase his/ her own. These glasses can be purchased from local stores or from the school nurse.
Safety glasses are required in the following programs: Auto Col­lision/Refinishing Technology, Automotive Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Groundskeeping, Heating, Ventilation, Refrig­eration and Plumbing, Welding, Building Construction Technol­ogy, Electrical Occupations Technology, and the Building Trades Cluster Programs.
All other programs require safety glasses in specific areas.
B.      Program Uniforms
             Students enrolled in all programs may be required to purchase and/ or wear a uniform or portion thereof, similar to that worn in business and industry. In general, students are to dress as required by the stan­dards of their field, safety considerations, and the specific work place situation. All students in programs requiring uniforms must have their uniform and work shoes by the beginning of the second full week of school. Uniforms shall not be worn to and from the CIT.
Uniform standards are as follows:
The standard uniform color is determined by the program teacher and may require a belt if required by the teacher.

  1. All uniforms must be neat and clean; no loose or torn clothing.
  2. Shirts must be tucked in; and pants pulled up to the waist.
  3. Shoes appropriate to the program (laces secured).
  4. Facial piercings may need to be removed or covered with a band aid.

Economically disadvantaged students unable to purchase a uniform as specified above, can apply for assistance from CIT Student Assistance Fund. 
C. School Dress

  • School dress includes both female and male attire. Wearing of the items listed below are prohibited:
  • a.        Jewelry featuring satanic cult references, weapons, drug para­phernalia, color beads and rosary beads.

    b.        Halter tops, cut-offs, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, see through apparel including mesh shirts and visible undergarments.

    c.        Obscene, sexually discriminating, drug, offensive or suggestive words or graphics, tobacco, or alcohol related messages on clothing.

    d.        Unsafe footwear as determined by the program instructor.

    e.        Studded or spiked belts, gauntlets, bracelets, jackets, metal cleats, chains, handcuffs, dog collars or wallet chains, etc.

    f.         Excessively torn or revealing low cut tops that expose the bosoms or other clothing worn in a fashion that displays the anatomy.

    g.        Spandex clothing and tank tops worn without another layer.

    h.        Bare feet and bathing suits.

    i.         Hats, bandannas or headgear may not be worn in the school cafeteria, halls, offices or classrooms except where required by the shop program, and then approved headgear only. Hats may be worn when exiting the school. Female students may wear ap­propriate head wear that is stylish but not considered gang related (Administration decision).

    j.         Visible undergarments.

    k.        Excessively short skirts and mini dresses.

    l.    Other apparel deemed unsafe by instructors or Administrators.

    1. Shorts may be worn which are acceptable in length (mid-thigh) with the following restrictions: Boxers (underwear) are prohibited.
    2. An approved uniform must be worn while working on approved school projects outside the shop.
    3. All bags (i.e. book bags, backpacks, duffle, gym, etc.) must be placed in a specifically designed area determined by the instructor.
    4. Pants must be worn at the natural waist and fit comfortably.
    5. All shirts and blouses are to be properly buttoned except for the collar button.
    6. Students must wear socks or stockings as prescribed by individual teachers in their particular work or instructional area.
    7. Long hair on students must be clean and well-groomed. Due to shop hazards and health conditions in work or instructional areas, the teacher will determine whether the student will be allowed to participate in these work or instructional areas. The use of hats, rubber bands and hair nets may be required by a teacher whenever long hair poses a health or safety problem.
    8. All students will also be expected to conform to any additional dress regulations of their home high school.
    9. Administration will make any necessary decision on any questions re­garding student dress. Students with questionable dress will be referred to administration.

    Disciplinary Policy

    7 years ago

    All students are entitled to a full and free education. The rules and regulations of the Career Institute of Technology have been made so that you might pursue your free education as successfully as possible. Any disciplinary action taken by the school is intended to benefit you through improving your understanding of the important role that rules and regulations serve in helping you develop the necessary self-disci­pline skills that will enhance your opportunity to success on-the-job.
    Cooperation, dependability, the ability to follow rules, getting along with other workers and supervisors, getting to work on time, and getting to work regularly are all important factors for getting and keeping a job. Developing self-discipline skills allows you to grow in consequences of your decisions and acts in accordance with that understanding. In order to have these rights you have responsibilities. For these reasons, learning to be a responsible citizen should be an integral part of your personal and educational goals.

    Therefore, any disciplinary action taken to correct behavior is then intended to improve attitude and subsequent behavior, not to be vin­dictive. The disciplinary actions available to the school are regulated by law and school district policy. The disciplinary options chosen depends on: (1) the objective sought in a case to help you, (2) nature of the offense, (3) nature of the student’s previous behavior, and (4) stated policy or precedent based on previous actions. However, serious offenses in the nature of assaults, weapons, al­cohol and drugs are dealt with by contacting local law enforcement authorities. Behavior that leads to the above does create a juvenile record that will affect your ability to accomplish your career goals.

    DISCIPLINE POLICY-Shall include but not limited to the following
                   MINOR INFRACTIONS


    Questionable display of public affection
    Hall misconduct
    Violation of cafeteria procedures
    Student unable to produce school I.D
    Abusive and unacceptable language
    Non-injury safety violation
    Improper or no uniform
    Excessive tardiness (5 per year or 2 per m.p.)     
    Unauthorized projects/use of school materials                                          Insubordination to school personnel
    Forging/cheating on school document or assignment                                                                
    Cutting class or unauthorized absence                                                       
    Minor horseplay or bullying/cyber bullying                                               
    Leaving school property without permission
    Unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices
    Violation of dress code
    Violation of driving/riding policy
    Disruptive behavior
    Violation of bus regulations
    Violation of program regulations
    Throwing of snowballs or other objects
    Minor vandalism

    1ST Offense

    Warning or 1 session ISS

    2nd Offense

    1 session ISS

    3rd Offense

    2 sessons ISS

    4th Offense

    3 sessions ISS

    5th Offense

    3 sessions ISS or

    3 days OSS

    Letter is sent to parent on all infractions.



    Safety violation with injury

    Abusive language directed to school


    Violation of technology acceptable use policy

    Fighting/Verbal or physical assault

    Terroristic threats

    Disorderly conduct

    False alarm/bomb threat/use of a substance to disrupt a routine school day


    Drug related offenses

    Physical assault against school personnel

    Possession of dangerous weapons, firearms, knives or other lethal weapons (including look-a likes)

    3-10 day Out-of-School Suspension with parent conference, refer to legal authorities when appropriate.  Home School District may be contacted for expulsion or JOC for removal from CIT.

    All consequences are at the discretion of the Administration with input from the student’s instructor.
    Possession or use of tobacco products will result in ISS and referral to the District Magistrate for legal action.

    Wellness Policy

    7 years ago


    The Career Institute of Technology (CIT) recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn.  The Joint Operating Committee (JOC) is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience.  In a healthy school environment, students will learn about and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices that can improve student achievement.

    To ensure the health and well-being of all students, the Joint Operating Committee establishes that the school shall provide to students:

    • A comprehensive nutrition program consistent with federal and state requirements.
    • Access to reasonable cost for foods and beverages that meet established nutritional guidelines.
    • Physical education courses and opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity during the school day.
    • Curriculum and programs for appropriate career and technical labs and academic courses that are designed to educate students about proper nutrition and lifelong physical activity, in accordance with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and academic standards.


    The Administrative Director or designee shall be responsible to monitor the school’s programs and curriculum to ensure compliance with this policy, related, policies, and establish guidelines or administrative regulations.

    Staff members responsible for programs related to student wellness shall report to the Administrative Director or designee regarding the status of such program.

    The Administrative Director or designee shall annually report to the JOC on the school’s compliance with law and policies related to student wellness.  The report may include:

    • Recommendations for policy and/or program revisions.

    An assurance that school guidelines for reimbursable meals are not less restrictive than regulations and guidelines issued for the school in accordance with federal law shall be provided annually by the Business Manager.

    Wellness Committee

    CIT’s Wellness Committee will be comprised of at least one (1) of each of the following members approved by the JOC:

    • School Administrator
    • School Food Service Representative
    • Student
    • Teacher
    • Health Professional
    • Parent/Guardian
    • Member of the Public

    The Wellness Committee shall serve as an advisory committee regarding student health issues and shall be responsible for developing and revising a Local Wellness Policy that complies with law to recommend to the JOC for adoption.

    The Wellness Committee shall provide an annual review to the Administrative Director or designee regarding the status of its work, as required.

    Nutrition Guidelines

    • All foods available in the school during the school day shall be offered to students with consideration for promoting student health and reducing obesity.
    • Foods provided through the National School Lunch Program shall comply with federal nutrition standards under the School Meals Initiative.
    • The school day at Career Institute of Technology shall be defined as Midnight to ½ hour after students are dismissed from school. 
    • Competitive foods are defined as foods and beverages sold to students outside the meal program on the school campus at any time during the school day including ala carte foods, fundraisers, beverages, vending food, and school store food.  Items brought from home for classroom parties or rewards given to students and holiday celebrations are NOT considered under Smart Snack Standards.  These items are not sold to students nor is there any exchange of money, tokens or tickets for receiving the items.
    • CIT will make every attempt and educationally appropriate effort to insure that all competitive foods available to students in the school cafeteria during the school day shall comply with the 2014 Smart Snack Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools.
    • The CIT school cafeteria will offer an attractive variety of healthy fruits and vegetables daily.
    • Other areas or activities that make competitive foods/beverages available in school during the school day shall make every appropriate effort to have their revenues earned by products sold that meet the 2014 Smart Snack Standard Foods in Pennsylvania Schools Act.

    Nutrition Education

    • Nutrition education, which is designed to teach, encourage, and support healthy eating by students, will be provided within the sequential comprehensive health education program in accordance within the State Board of Education curriculum regulations and the academic standards for Health, Safety, and Physical Education and Family and Consumer Sciences.
    • Nutrition education shall be age appropriate, behavior focused, linked to physical activity, and provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead lifelong healthy lives.
    • Nutrition education shall be integrated into subjects to complement but not replace academic standards based on nutrition education.
    • The staff responsible for providing nutrition education shall be properly trained and prepared and shall participate in professional development.

    Physical Activity

    • CIT shall strive to provide opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity during the school day for all students with safe and adequate equipment, facilities, and resources.
    • Students shall participate in a variety of age-appropriate physical activities designed to achieve optimal health, wellness, fitness, and performance benefits in a safe and enjoyable environment.
    • CIT shall provide adequate amount of time during the school day to engage students in daily stretching/exercises that are appropriate in their lab area.

    Physical Education

    • CIT shall provide quality physical education instruction taught by certified Health and Physical Education Teachers that promotes lifelong physical activity and provides instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong participation.
    • Students shall be moderately to vigorously active as much time as possible within the Physical Education class unless prohibited by a documented medical condition or disability.
    • A sequential physical education program consistent with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and Health, Safety and Physical Education academic standards shall be developed and implemented.
    • Safe and adequate equipment, facilities and resources shall be provided for physical education courses.
    • Appropriate professional development shall be provided for Physical Education staff.

    Other School Based Activities

    • The goals of the Student Wellness Policy shall be considered in planning all school-based activities.
    • CIT shall provide a safe and sanitary meal environment for all students and staff.
    • CIT shall provide a school meal environment and nutritional meals for students in accordance with the USDA National School Lunch Program.  CIT shall comply with the Healthy Hunger – Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) and the 2014 Smart Snack Standards in Pennsylvania Schools.
    • Drinking water shall be available at all meal periods and throughout the school day.
    • CIT shall provide families and community members relevant information in regard to the HHFKA and the 2014 Smart Snack Standards in Pennsylvania Schools and the goals of the Wellness Committee through various methods.
    • CIT shall provide appropriate education to all staff on the HHFKA and the 2014 Smart Snack Standards in Pennsylvania Schools and on the components of the Local Wellness Policy.
    • Fundraising projects submitted by the Career and Technical Service Organizations (CTSO’s) shall be supportive of healthy eating and student wellness.  CTSO’s that sell competitive foods/beverages will follow the 2014 Smart Snack Standards.  Fundraising outside of the school day does not apply to this rule.
    • CIT shall provide the staff with information and facilities to obtain positive and healthy personal wellness goals

    Since regular attendance is a very important factor expected by employers from their employees, it is felt that good attendance is an important and necessary part of a student’s educational program at the Career Institute of Technology.

    The following attendance procedures shall be enforced during the school year:

    a. Tardiness - Students who are tardy will report to the First Aid/ Nurse to get a “tardy slip”. This slip must be presented to the teacher before the tardy student can be admitted to the shop.

    b. Absence - Students who are absent must present a written excuse to their Occupational Teacher by the third day of their return. Excuses not brought in the third day will be considered “unexcused”. Parental calls from home will also be accepted. Doctor excuses and legal excuses are always accepted. Students participating in the Cooperative Education program may not report to their Co-op job if they do not attend home school. (See Attendance Policy for exceptions).

    The parent/guardian will receive a phone each day a student is absent. During the message the parent/guardian has the option of pressing 1 to record their child’s excuse. An email of the recorded message is sent to the Attendance Office. You will be reminded to send an excuse if you do not press 1. If the message goes to an answering machine, the parent/guardian is informed that they can call 1-866-346-9920 to record the excuse.

    All students need to bring two (2) excuses, if their parent has not left a message or called the school after an absence. One excuse would be given to the Occupational Teacher, while the second excuse will be needed by the home high school. Students should check with their home high school concerning their attendance procedures. Parents will be notified in all cases where frequent absenteeism or tardiness occurs. Frequent tardiness can result in a revocation of driving privileges in cases where students drive to school. In those cases where the yearly attendance record is considered poor, students will be denied re-admission the following year. It is your responsibility to attend school on a regular basis, accumulating no more than twelve (12) days absent for each year and five (5) days tardy per year or two (2) days tardy per marking period.


    At the annual end of the year Senior Awards Program, a Certificate of Completion or Participation and a Competency Certificate will be awarded to all qualified students.

    Students need to achieve a passing grade in the Occupation Pro­gram, complete the PA Department of Education Student Occupational Competency Achievement test (SOCAT/NIMS) and graduate from High School to receive the Certificate of Completion. In addition, students in the Cosmetology program must also complete 70% of the curriculum.

    Bullying Policy

    Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in and/or outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:

    1. Substantial Interference with a student’s education.
    2. Creation of a threatening environment.
    3. Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.

    School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, su­pervised or sanctioned by the school.

    All students who have been bullied should promptly report such in­cidents to the building Vice-Principal or designee. All complaints of bullying will be investigated promptly, and corrective action will be taken when allegations are verified. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the school’s legal and investiga­tive obligations. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reports of bullying. Bullying, as defined in this policy, includes cyber bullying. Reports may also be made on the Anonymous Tip Line, see page 21 in the Student Organize and Success Guide or the link on the CIT web site. Consequences for Violations: A student who violates this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action consistent with the Code of Student Conduct, which may include: Counseling within the school; Parental conference; Loss of school privileges; Exclusion from school-sponsored activities; Suspension; Expulsion; Counseling/Therapy outside school; Referral to law enforcement officials.


    Students may not play this equipment anywhere in the build­ing during school hours except during lunch and if allowed or requested for instructional activities by the instructor. Students are encouraged to leave these items at home, the school will not be responsible for loss or theft. Because these items are easily lost, do not expect to be reimbursed. Faculty/staff are authorized to confiscate these items and give to the administration. The administration has the discretion to hold these items for a period of time deemed appropriate. The use of laser pointers, toys or similar equipment is forbidden and these items will be confiscated with disciplinary action to follow.

    Cell Phone Policy

    A. Cell phones can detract from school safety and crisis preparedness and can impede public safety response through calls of panic, and overloading the system during a real crisis.

    B. CIT follows a “common sense approach” to the possession of cell phones by students. Families have attempted to improve communication with their children by issuing them cell phones. We do not want to infringe on this parental objective, however, during scheduled classes (7:30-2:30) the cell phone is to be secured and turned off.

    C. Violators face disciplinary action and may have their cell phones confiscated and returned to them or their parents at the end of the day. Repeated offenders will risk the confiscation of their cell phones for an extended period of time.


    7 years ago

    Your grade is determined by your participation and success in three areas, each weighted equally:

    1.    Skill - Performance skills and tasks accomplished.
    2.    Knowledge - Formal tests.
    3.    Employability Skills - Work Ethics/PDP participation.

    Skills and tasks are described as those skills which make your job competent. Your curriculum is described as units of instruction. Each unit is broken down into a series of skills and tasks. These skills and tasks are recorded on project task sheets which you complete. These project task sheets will be graded by your instructor and subsequently you will receive a copy.

    The tasks will be graded using the following rubric.
    0   Refuses to perform task
    1   Student observed demonstration only
    2   Unable to perform task
    3   Requires close supervision
    4   Requires limited supervision
    5   Below average independent performance
    6   Poor average independent performance
    7   Acceptable independent performance (proficient)
    8   Average independent performance
    9   Above average independent performance (advanced)
    10 Excellent independent performance

    The second section of grade is your knowledge grade. Formal tests will be given on each until of instruction when you have completed the skills and tasks for that unit. If you do poorly on any unit test, you will be able to re-take a similar test on that unit. This is a single opportunity for you to re-study and master the material. Your most recent test grade will be the one that is reported.

    Employability Skills
    The third section of grade is your Work Ethics/PDP grade. This is also worth one-third of your total grade.The three parts of your grade: skill, knowledge, and employability skills, will be averaged together to formulate a grade for you. This grade will be in the form of a percentage that will determine whether you have gained an ‘A, B, C, D, or Failure’. We sincerely believe that no student should get below a ‘C’.A minimum grade of ‘C’, from both CIT and the Home School, is required for student organization travel.

    In Summary: 
    (Skills + Knowledge + Employability Skills) /3 = Marking Period Grade


    7 years ago

    Student Code of Conduct:  It will be my responsibility to participate in the Leadership Program and to recognize, understand and abide by CIT rules and consequences.

    1. Attendance and Tardiness:  It will be my responsibility to attend school on a regular basis accumulating no more than twelve (12) days absent for each year and five (5) days tardy.  All driving privileges are for students who maintain this requirement.
    2. Student Driving:  I will be given the privilege to drive to and park at CIT if:
    • I maintain a safe driving record
    • I abide by the Student Code of Conduct
    • I adhere to the Attendance and Tardy Policy
    • I adhere to the Student Driving/Parking Regulations
    • My sending high school Driving Policy permits it
    • I maintain an acceptable disciplinary record.
    1. Busing:  The demonstration of my behavior in the transportation to and from CIT will indicate to me my status in developing the proper character as it relates to my commitment to the Student Code of Conduct.
    2. Cafeteria:  Cafeteria behavior is another opportunity for me to demonstrate my commitment.  Being courteous and respectful to my fellow students allows others to enjoy an incident-free lunch period guaranteeing a relaxed, sociable atmosphere.
    3. Food:  It is my responsibility to be prudent in the consumption of food outside the Cafeteria.  Your instructor and bus driver simple rules and regulations to follow.  Common sense and proper disposal of wrappers will be an indication of my application of this privilege.  Students may consume resealable bottled liquids if permitted by their instructor and is not consumed when using a computer.
    4. Dress Code:  I am preparing for a career; therefore, appropriate dress and grooming should reflect my specific occupation.  Safety may dictate appropriate apparel in my shop.  Appropriate dress varies from program to program.
    5. Drugs, Alcohol and Weapons:  I understand drugs, alcohol and weapons are prohibited by law and policy.  All violations will be immediately referred to the Forks Township Police Department for prosecution and possible termination from CIT.
    6. Tobacco Products and/or Smoking:  Possession or use of tobacco products is prohibited at CIT.  I understand I may be charged with the violation of a Pennsylvania State No Smoking Ordinance that carries a fine.  This is a great opportunity for me to practice sound health habits and be courteous to non-smokers.
    7. Fighting:  I understand fighting is prohibited and may be considered an assault.  Certain circumstances may require CIT to contact the police department for possible prosecution.  It also carries an automatic (3) days to (10) days suspension with possible termination.
    8. Safety of my classmates, it is my responsibility to adhere to all safety regulations for the safe passage of students and safe use of the equipment found throughout the school.
    9. Insubordination:  CIT Staff is encouraged to respect my ideas and concerns and it is my responsibility to mutually respect the rights and opinions of teachers, administrators, bus drivers and all staff members involved in the educational process.  Open insubordination to clear and reasonable directions will be disciplined.
    10. Identification Badges:  CIT requires all students to wear ID badges while classes are in session.  It will be my responsibility to have my ID badge in my possession at all times.
    11. Bullying/Cyber Bullying: Bullying is prohibited according to CIT policy. CIT is committed to providing a safe positive learning en­vironment for the students. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidations, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning and may lead to more serious violence. Each stu­dent shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and to ensure an atmosphere free from bullying.


    7 years ago

    Student driving and parking on school property is a privilege at the Career Institute of Technology.  To qualify for driving privileges the following criteria must be met. 
    1. Permission from your sending high school principal.
    2. Maintain a safe driving record and an acceptable disciplinary record.
    3.  Abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
    4. Adhere to the Student/Driving Parking Regulations and the Attendance and Tardy Policy.
    5. Pay a non-refundable payment of $10.00 to receive a permanent parking permit. If the permit is lost or stolen, a temporary permit can be obtained, for one (1) week, until an additional $5.00 non-refundable payment is paid for a new permanent permit.

    Permanent parking permits will be granted for the following reasons and are available in the main office:
    1. Cooperative Education.
    2. Verified long-term home school sports or activities.
    3. Other reasonable requests approved by the home school principal,
    4. the Coordinator of Student Services at the CIT, and the parent or guardian as referred to in the Student Code of Conduct.
    1. Student responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and conformance to school rules and regulations.
    2. No student has the right to interfere with the education of his fellow students. It is the responsibility of each student to respect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational process.
    3. Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respect­ful manner.
    4. Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct themselves in accord with them.
    5. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and the protection of school property.
    6. Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all students enrolled therein.
    7. Exercise proper care when using public facilities and equipment.
    8. Attend school daily and be on time at all classes and other school functions.
    9. Make up work when absent from school.

    Practically all students are admitted to the course of their first choice. However, on some occasions you may discover that your course assignment is not what you like or what you can do well. You should first speak to your teacher then report to Student Services.

    Before a course change is made:

    1. A student will make a visitation of one to three days to the occupa­tional area in which the student is interested.
    2. Parent/guardian contact will be made by a counselor.
    3. The student must complete a “Request for Program Change” form, obtain the signatures of his/her parent/guardian, current occupational teacher and sending school counselor and return this form to the Stu­dent Services office. If the new occupational area being requested has a letter for new students, that letter will be attached to the above form.

    Only two course changes per year will be allowed, barring extenuat­ing circumstances. Course changes will be made only during the first two weeks of each marking period, barring extenuating circumstances. A student request to return to the sending high school will be made at the discretion of his/her high school’s policy.