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Disciplinary Policy

All students are entitled to a full and free education. The rules and regulations of the Career Institute of Technology have been made so that you might pursue your free education as successfully as possible. Any disciplinary action taken by the school is intended to benefit you through improving your understanding of the important role that rules and regulations serve in helping you develop the necessary self-disci­pline skills that will enhance your opportunity to success on-the-job.
Cooperation, dependability, the ability to follow rules, getting along with other workers and supervisors, getting to work on time, and getting to work regularly are all important factors for getting and keeping a job. Developing self-discipline skills allows you to grow in consequences of your decisions and acts in accordance with that understanding. In order to have these rights you have responsibilities. For these reasons, learning to be a responsible citizen should be an integral part of your personal and educational goals.

Therefore, any disciplinary action taken to correct behavior is then intended to improve attitude and subsequent behavior, not to be vin­dictive. The disciplinary actions available to the school are regulated by law and school district policy. The disciplinary options chosen depends on: (1) the objective sought in a case to help you, (2) nature of the offense, (3) nature of the student’s previous behavior, and (4) stated policy or precedent based on previous actions. However, serious offenses in the nature of assaults, weapons, al­cohol and drugs are dealt with by contacting local law enforcement authorities. Behavior that leads to the above does create a juvenile record that will affect your ability to accomplish your career goals.

DISCIPLINE POLICY-Shall include but not limited to the following
               MINOR INFRACTIONS


Questionable display of public affection
Hall misconduct
Violation of cafeteria procedures
Student unable to produce school I.D
Abusive and unacceptable language
Non-injury safety violation
Improper or no uniform
Excessive tardiness (5 per year or 2 per m.p.)     
Unauthorized projects/use of school materials                                          Insubordination to school personnel
Forging/cheating on school document or assignment                                                                
Cutting class or unauthorized absence                                                       
Minor horseplay or bullying/cyber bullying                                               
Leaving school property without permission
Unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices
Violation of dress code
Violation of driving/riding policy
Disruptive behavior
Violation of bus regulations
Violation of program regulations
Throwing of snowballs or other objects
Minor vandalism

1ST Offense

Warning or 1 session ISS

2nd Offense

1 session ISS

3rd Offense

2 sessons ISS

4th Offense

3 sessions ISS

5th Offense

3 sessions ISS or

3 days OSS

Letter is sent to parent on all infractions.



Safety violation with injury

Abusive language directed to school


Violation of technology acceptable use policy

Fighting/Verbal or physical assault

Terroristic threats

Disorderly conduct

False alarm/bomb threat/use of a substance to disrupt a routine school day


Drug related offenses

Physical assault against school personnel

Possession of dangerous weapons, firearms, knives or other lethal weapons (including look-a likes)

3-10 day Out-of-School Suspension with parent conference, refer to legal authorities when appropriate.  Home School District may be contacted for expulsion or JOC for removal from CIT.

All consequences are at the discretion of the Administration with input from the student’s instructor.
Possession or use of tobacco products will result in ISS and referral to the District Magistrate for legal action.
ADA Compliance Errors0

Career Institute of Technology

5335 Kesslersville Road

Easton, PA 18040

Policy of Fairness: The Career Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, limited English Proficiency, or age in its admission procedures, activities, programs, or employment practices and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.
For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Adrianne Jones, Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator at 5335 Kesslersville Road, Easton, Pennsylvania 18040-6799. Telephone 610-258-2857 or 800-360-2857 or
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