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Dress Code Policy

Purpose/Objectives of Dress Policy

  1. To determine proper dress for students in specific program areas, as nearly aligned with business and industrial dress requirements as practicable.
  2. To eliminate clothing which can be a safety hazard in shop areas.
  3. To establish student dress which will aid in developing pride in one­self as well as in the school and to foster self-respect.


           The very nature of career & technical education indicates the need for a policy in relation to student dress. This is justifiable because of safety factors, as well as the desire to develop status in one’s chosen career. It is understood that the nature of the work in some programs is extremely dirty and in others hazardous; therefore, it is imperative that students have special clothes to change into when working. Student dress and cleanliness should be an integral part of the total educational program.
           A student going from the CIT to his/her aca­demic classes in soiled shop clothing does not indicate pride in himself/ herself or his/her career.
           CIT, being part of all sending high schools and working closely with industry, attracts many visitors.  Proper attire by all students will create pride in one’s school, as well as giving the visitors a favorable impression. Many of these visitors will be future employers of our students; and first impressions are lasting. 

Dress Regulations

A.      Safety Glasses
         All students in the designated areas shall be issued one pair of safety glasses when he/she enters the program as a new student in accordance with the provisions of Act 116 of the Pennsylvania Legislature. For sanitary reasons, each student shall be responsible for his/her glasses; and if a student needs additional glasses, he/she shall be required to purchase his/ her own. These glasses can be purchased from local stores or from the school nurse.
Safety glasses are required in the following programs: Auto Col­lision/Refinishing Technology, Automotive Technology, Machine Tool Technology, Groundskeeping, Heating, Ventilation, Refrig­eration and Plumbing, Welding, Building Construction Technol­ogy, Electrical Occupations Technology, and the Building Trades Cluster Programs.
All other programs require safety glasses in specific areas.
B.      Program Uniforms
             Students enrolled in all programs may be required to purchase and/ or wear a uniform or portion thereof, similar to that worn in business and industry. In general, students are to dress as required by the stan­dards of their field, safety considerations, and the specific work place situation. All students in programs requiring uniforms must have their uniform and work shoes by the beginning of the second full week of school. Uniforms shall not be worn to and from the CIT.
Uniform standards are as follows:
The standard uniform color is determined by the program teacher and may require a belt if required by the teacher.

  1. All uniforms must be neat and clean; no loose or torn clothing.
  2. Shirts must be tucked in; and pants pulled up to the waist.
  3. Shoes appropriate to the program (laces secured).
  4. Facial piercings may need to be removed or covered with a band aid.

Economically disadvantaged students unable to purchase a uniform as specified above, can apply for assistance from CIT Student Assistance Fund. 
C. School Dress

  • School dress includes both female and male attire. Wearing of the items listed below are prohibited:
  • a.        Jewelry featuring satanic cult references, weapons, drug para­phernalia, color beads and rosary beads.

    b.        Halter tops, cut-offs, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, see through apparel including mesh shirts and visible undergarments.

    c.        Obscene, sexually discriminating, drug, offensive or suggestive words or graphics, tobacco, or alcohol related messages on clothing.

    d.        Unsafe footwear as determined by the program instructor.

    e.        Studded or spiked belts, gauntlets, bracelets, jackets, metal cleats, chains, handcuffs, dog collars or wallet chains, etc.

    f.         Excessively torn or revealing low cut tops that expose the bosoms or other clothing worn in a fashion that displays the anatomy.

    g.        Spandex clothing and tank tops worn without another layer.

    h.        Bare feet and bathing suits.

    i.         Hats, bandannas or headgear may not be worn in the school cafeteria, halls, offices or classrooms except where required by the shop program, and then approved headgear only. Hats may be worn when exiting the school. Female students may wear ap­propriate head wear that is stylish but not considered gang related (Administration decision).

    j.         Visible undergarments.

    k.        Excessively short skirts and mini dresses.

    l.    Other apparel deemed unsafe by instructors or Administrators.

    1. Shorts may be worn which are acceptable in length (mid-thigh) with the following restrictions: Boxers (underwear) are prohibited.
    2. An approved uniform must be worn while working on approved school projects outside the shop.
    3. All bags (i.e. book bags, backpacks, duffle, gym, etc.) must be placed in a specifically designed area determined by the instructor.
    4. Pants must be worn at the natural waist and fit comfortably.
    5. All shirts and blouses are to be properly buttoned except for the collar button.
    6. Students must wear socks or stockings as prescribed by individual teachers in their particular work or instructional area.
    7. Long hair on students must be clean and well-groomed. Due to shop hazards and health conditions in work or instructional areas, the teacher will determine whether the student will be allowed to participate in these work or instructional areas. The use of hats, rubber bands and hair nets may be required by a teacher whenever long hair poses a health or safety problem.
    8. All students will also be expected to conform to any additional dress regulations of their home high school.
    9. Administration will make any necessary decision on any questions re­garding student dress. Students with questionable dress will be referred to administration.
    ADA Compliance Errors0

    Career Institute of Technology

    5335 Kesslersville Road

    Easton, PA 18040

    Policy of Fairness: The Career Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, limited English Proficiency, or age in its admission procedures, activities, programs, or employment practices and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.
    For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Adrianne Jones, Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator at 5335 Kesslersville Road, Easton, Pennsylvania 18040-6799. Telephone 610-258-2857 or 800-360-2857 or
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