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Student Code of Conduct:  It will be my responsibility to participate in the Leadership Program and to recognize, understand and abide by CIT rules and consequences.

  1. Attendance and Tardiness:  It will be my responsibility to attend school on a regular basis accumulating no more than twelve (12) days absent for each year and five (5) days tardy.  All driving privileges are for students who maintain this requirement.
  2. Student Driving:  I will be given the privilege to drive to and park at CIT if:
  • I maintain a safe driving record
  • I abide by the Student Code of Conduct
  • I adhere to the Attendance and Tardy Policy
  • I adhere to the Student Driving/Parking Regulations
  • My sending high school Driving Policy permits it
  • I maintain an acceptable disciplinary record.
  1. Busing:  The demonstration of my behavior in the transportation to and from CIT will indicate to me my status in developing the proper character as it relates to my commitment to the Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Cafeteria:  Cafeteria behavior is another opportunity for me to demonstrate my commitment.  Being courteous and respectful to my fellow students allows others to enjoy an incident-free lunch period guaranteeing a relaxed, sociable atmosphere.
  3. Food:  It is my responsibility to be prudent in the consumption of food outside the Cafeteria.  Your instructor and bus driver simple rules and regulations to follow.  Common sense and proper disposal of wrappers will be an indication of my application of this privilege.  Students may consume resealable bottled liquids if permitted by their instructor and is not consumed when using a computer.
  4. Dress Code:  I am preparing for a career; therefore, appropriate dress and grooming should reflect my specific occupation.  Safety may dictate appropriate apparel in my shop.  Appropriate dress varies from program to program.
  5. Drugs, Alcohol and Weapons:  I understand drugs, alcohol and weapons are prohibited by law and policy.  All violations will be immediately referred to the Forks Township Police Department for prosecution and possible termination from CIT.
  6. Tobacco Products and/or Smoking:  Possession or use of tobacco products is prohibited at CIT.  I understand I may be charged with the violation of a Pennsylvania State No Smoking Ordinance that carries a fine.  This is a great opportunity for me to practice sound health habits and be courteous to non-smokers.
  7. Fighting:  I understand fighting is prohibited and may be considered an assault.  Certain circumstances may require CIT to contact the police department for possible prosecution.  It also carries an automatic (3) days to (10) days suspension with possible termination.
  8. Safety of my classmates, it is my responsibility to adhere to all safety regulations for the safe passage of students and safe use of the equipment found throughout the school.
  9. Insubordination:  CIT Staff is encouraged to respect my ideas and concerns and it is my responsibility to mutually respect the rights and opinions of teachers, administrators, bus drivers and all staff members involved in the educational process.  Open insubordination to clear and reasonable directions will be disciplined.
  10. Identification Badges:  CIT requires all students to wear ID badges while classes are in session.  It will be my responsibility to have my ID badge in my possession at all times.
  11. Bullying/Cyber Bullying: Bullying is prohibited according to CIT policy. CIT is committed to providing a safe positive learning en­vironment for the students. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidations, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning and may lead to more serious violence. Each stu­dent shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and to ensure an atmosphere free from bullying.

ADA Compliance Errors0

Career Institute of Technology

5335 Kesslersville Road

Easton, PA 18040

Policy of Fairness: The Career Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, limited English Proficiency, or age in its admission procedures, activities, programs, or employment practices and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.
For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mrs. Adrianne Jones, Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator at 5335 Kesslersville Road, Easton, Pennsylvania 18040-6799. Telephone 610-258-2857 or 800-360-2857 or
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